Certificate Policy

Asbestos and Lead Training Certificate Policy

Asbestos and Lead training courses are in accordance with US EPA regulations and are conducted by an accredited training provider, GST Company, under the State of Pennsylvania (PA).  

Training Certificates issued by GST Company for Asbestos and Lead course completion certify that the training was conducted by an accredited training provider.  The course training certificate is not a license and GST/FESCO does not provide any express or implied warranties or guarantees that the contracting office(s) accepts the training certificate in lieu of a license or satisfying any specifications pertaining to personnel qualification requirements. 

Please view the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s (PADLI) website to verify that GST Company is an accredited training provider for Asbestos and Lead in the state of PA and the list of our accredited disciplines (courses) that we teach. 

Asbestos Certified Training Providers in PA: Asbestos Certified Training Providers (pa.gov)

Lead Certified Training Providers in PA:        Lead Certified Training Providers (pa.gov)

For Asbestos certifications: Asbestos certifications are valid for 1 year. Asbestos training courses have a grace period of one year from the expiration date. The grace period allowed is for one year from the date of expiration on the certificate. During the grace period, the certification is expired and the person holding the expired certificate cannot perform any of the duties based upon the expired certification. The grace period only allows the certificate holder to take a refresher class instead of having to retake the initial class to reinstate their certification status.

For Lead certifications:  Lead certifications are valid for 3 years.  There is no grace period for Lead certifications, therefore the student must take a refresher course before the expiration date written on their certificate or they will have to retake the initial course again.

If you should have questions, please contact us at environmental@fescogroup.net